Monday, August 31, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Five Steps to Kick Your Soft-Drink Addiction
Five Steps to Kick Your Soft-Drink Addiction
By Aisha El-Awady
Hi, my name is Aisha and I am addicted to soft drinks.
Who would have thought that such a thing was possible. A soft-drink addict? Well, there is such a thing, and millions of poor souls out there (myself included) are evidence. Although you may not have thought of your soft-drink habit as an addiction, try quitting and you will see it is not as easy as you might have thought.
In fact, quitting soft drinks is not easy at all, while getting hooked on them, with soft drinks being as ubiquitous as they are, is as easy as ever. Unfortunately, there is no rehab for soft-drink abusers, but there are several tips to help you stop this hazardous health habit and to help you start living a more healthy lifestyle.
One: Treat It Like an Addiction
Trying to quit consuming soft drinks is no walk in the park, especially for those who usually consume large amounts (more than three cans a day). Know that it will not be easy, and treat it as a serious addiction. You will probably experience strong cravings and withdrawal symptoms such as headaches.
Try to keep temptations to a minimum. This can be very difficult, as soft drinks are everywhere and advertising for them is fierce, but you can at least avoid temptation at home by keeping your refrigerator soft-drink free. When at work, avoid walking past the vending machines and keep a bottle of water at arm's reach at all times. When shopping, avoid passing through the soft drink aisle.
Two: Know the Associated Hazards
Soft drinks are associated with many health risks. In order to stop drinking them, you must familiarize yourself with these risks and convince yourself that the health problems involved are not worth the temptation to open that ice-cold bottle and gulp down its contents into your poor belly.
Soft drinks are known to promote diseases such as diabetes and kidney disorders. The high fructose corn syrup in soft drinks is converted directly into fat, and this has a direct link to obesity risk. You are essentially drinking liquid candy.
The high phosphorous content of cola drinks drains calcium from the bones and increases calcium loss in the urine putting you at risk for osteoporosis.
Three: Make a Gradual Withdrawal
Do not try to quit soft drinks cold turkey or you will end up with terrible headaches, nervousness, irritability, and other withdrawal symptoms. The caffeine found in many soft drinks is highly addictive. This is the hardest thing to overcome when you try to quit.
Try to gradually wean yourself off of the caffeinated soft drinks by reducing the number of soft drinks you consume daily. If you drink four cans of soda a day, then decrease it to two cans for a few days, then one can for a few days, and so on until you cut them out completely.
If you try to replace soft drinks with other caffeine-containing drinks such as tea or coffee, you will not be able to kick your caffeine addiction. Instead, you can replace caffeinated soft drinks with non-caffeinated ones such as 7 Up for a period of one week, which is about the time your cravings will go away and the withdrawal symptoms will stop.
After that, replace the non-caffeinated soft drinks with healthier substitutes. About two to three weeks after quitting, you will stop having those cravings altogether.
Four: Do Not Switch to Diet Drinks
Try drinking some ice-cold sparkling water with a squeeze of lemon juice.
Consuming diet drinks is even worse for your health than drinking regular soft drinks. That is because diet drinks contain aspartame, which is metabolized in the body into a number of toxic chemicals. The most toxic of these is formaldehyde, the same liquid that is used to preserve body parts and anatomy specimens!
Aspartame consumption has been linked to a number of neurological disorders such as migraines, dizziness, shaking and tremors, seizures, mental confusion, change in mood, as well as Alzheimer's, and permanent blindness.
Water, herbal tea, and pure fruit juices with no added sugar are great substitutes. If you are craving that crisp taste you used to get from soda, try drinking some ice-cold sparkling water with a squeeze of lemon juice. Your best option though, might be skimmed milk, especially if you have been a long-time soft-drink user. This will help replenish your calcium supply and reverse the damage you have done to your bones.
Five: Exercise
Exercising will help you in your quest to quit soft drinks. It will ease the withdrawal symptoms and boost your endorphins, which will lift your mood.
If you are new to exercise, try going for a walk. Start out with 15-minute walks a day, then gradually increase the length and speed of your walks every week. Aerobics, yoga, hiking, jogging will all do the job. The important thing is to do something that makes you feel good, and it will give you something to focus on other than your cravings.
The best exercise for former soft-drink users, though, is weight training. The stress on your bones caused by weight training will help increase your bone density, reversing some of the damage caused by the mineral-depleting soft drinks. So get up, and get that body moving!
Can Ramadan Beat Bad Habits?
Can Ramadan Beat Bad Habits?
By Saffia Meek
Freelance Writer - United States
Can habits be changed simply by abstaining from food?
Do you have any bad habits that you wish you could change but just don't have the stimulus or will power to do it?
Ramadan can be part of the solution to your problem by providing the motivation, the self-control, and the opportunity for you to implement better habits. Imagine, if fasting can teach us to control our cravings for things that are good for us (food and water), then it certainly can train us to stop doing things that are destructive to our health and lives.
Our Daily Addictions
According to Dr. Mohammad Zafar A. Nomani, professor of nutrition at West Virginia University, US, fasting tends to cause a burning or heavy feeling in the stomach and sour mouth for some people because of the increase in gastric acids in the stomach.
Consume a light meal and take a break from the doughnuts and coffee and eat foods high in protein, fiber, and nutrients. Whole-wheat bread, vegetables, humus, beans, and fruits are all good sources of fiber, which help in reducing gastric acidity and excess bile acids.
Smokers benefit from fasting, being forced to abstain during the day. According to Lehigh Valley Hospital and Health Network, smoking one pack of cigarettes a day for one year adds two cups of tar to a smoker's lungs. However, the body is able to eliminate the tar if you stop smoking. By the end of a month of not smoking, the senses of smell and taste return, shortness of breath subsides, and energy increases.
According to a study done by the American Psychosomatic Society, caffeine and nicotine use increase the occurrence of irritability during fasting, but by the end of Ramadan, the smokers' irritability had dropped to a level lower than before the month of fasting began.
Even our choices at the grocery store are impacted by our increased Allah-consciousness. With the enhanced awareness of food during Ramadan, we are motivated to eat more fruit and drink more water than in our usual diet. More dates are eaten during Ramadan than any other time of year.
By the end of the day, you have managed to abstain from not-very healthy things like snacks foods, cigarettes, caffeine, sugar. You will probably realize than that you cannot only survive without them, but actually feel better without them.
Once you have detoxified your system from the caffeine, sugar, and nicotine withdrawals, the headaches disappear and you are left with more energy than when you were drinking coffee all morning.
Breaking Out of Isolation
Ramadan gives Muslims a great opportunity to escape this cycle of isolation and depression.
It is not unusual for people to get in a daily rut isolating themselves from those outside of their everyday routine. We get in the habit of going from home to work and back home for dinner each night with our families. Even weekends are so full of family-oriented chores and activities that we tend to put off praying at the mosque or visiting friends, which could end up leading to depression.
It seems that the TV and the computer get more of our attention each day than our faith does. According to the Sourcebook for Teaching Science, the average American home watches TV for 6 hours and 47 minutes each day. This time does not include the time spent on the computer.
The Sourcebook goes on to say that millions of Americans are so hooked on television that they fit the criteria for substance abuse as defined in the official psychiatric manual, according to Rutgers University psychologist Robert Kubey.
Ramadan gives Muslims a great opportunity to escape this cycle of isolation and depression. Ramadan traditions promote spending time together with family and friends, getting to know one another better, and meeting other Muslims that we might otherwise have not get acquainted with.
Iftars (meals to break the fast) and Tarawih Prayers (optional night prayers) provide a chance to break from our familiar patterns and relax with others who share our faith, thus increasing our connections as human beings and as believers. This socialization improves the sense of brotherhood or sisterhood within ourselves and the Muslim community.
According to Dr. Nomani, an added bonus of praying the nightly Tarawih is that it counts as mild exercise, burning up to 200 calories and helping to digest the food we ate at iftar.
Changing our normal routine during Ramadan allows us a chance to modify our lives and break free of bad habits. Fasting grounds us in reality, making us conscious of our behaviors and choices. Moreover, in being more mindful for one month, perhaps we will be strong enough to maintain better habits beyond Ramadan.
Quick Tips for a Healthier Fast
• Reduce the amount of caffeine intake a week or two prior to Ramadan in order to decrease the likelihood of "caffeine headaches."
• Avoid caffeine during Ramadan. Drink water rather than coffee or tea.
• Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and avoid sugary foods.
• Break your fast with dates and water, then eat a meal after the Maghrib (Sunset) Prayer.
• Try to get enough sleep at night or take a nap during the day.
• Use the spiritual and social uplifting to keep you excited and motivated beyond Ramadan.
Tips to Cure Your Addictions this Ramadan
Tips to Cure Your Addictions this Ramadan
By Karima Burns
Ramadan is a time that many Muslims look forward to. However, the prospect of fasting for a month can also be frightening for some – especially those with addictions. For many people, the prospect of lasting an entire day without food or drink can seem daunting, but possible. However, for people with addictions the thought of going through more than a few hours of the day without being able to feed their craving may seem impossible or even terrifying.
Many people associate the word “addiction” with alcohol and drugs. However, the word “addiction” is simply defined by Webster’s Dictionary as “being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming.”
Alcohol and drugs are the most common of these substances. However, coffee, tea, sugar, sodas, candies, chocolate, and even food itself can become addicting. In fact, coffee has a long history of being banned in various cultures because of its stimulant and addictive properties.
In 1611 it was banned in Germany and in 1511 by the governor of Mecca. It was also banned in Russia where the Czarist police considered it the cause of insanity. (Talk About Coffee, The Fabulous World of Coffee)
The stress of fasting and overcoming an addiction at the same time can be overwhelming. However, some of the following tips and ideas can help a person get through Ramadan if they are also struggling with an addiction:
Consider Ramadan a “Stepping Stone”
"Love is a strong motivating factor for people who seek to break their addictions. Fear is also a strong motivating factor."
Many people who struggle with addiction often know they are addicted and even know what they need to do to break the pattern. However, it is often that initial first step that prevents people from doing what they know they need to do.
This is why you might often see people trying to break an addiction for the sake of someone they love. Love is a strong motivating factor for people who seek to break their addictions. Fear is also a strong motivating factor. People who have stopped smoking often say they were finally motivated to stop when they met someone whose health had been affected by cigarettes.
During Ramadan a person is confronted with a high degree of love and fear. Ramadan represents a time for many to express their love of Allah and their sisters and brothers in Islam. There is also the fear many people have in Ramadan of what may happen if they do not fast as they are required to. These two emotions can provide a powerful motivation to “kick the habit”.
Additionally, going without one’s addiction for an entire day can also help prevent other blocks to overcoming addiction. By avoiding the addiction for an entire day a person is able to reset the triggers to the addiction (social circumstances, times of day, certain foods or meals) and build up a resistance to the substance by resisting the urges they have for the substance during the day.
Herbs Herbs can help balance the body and prevent the triggers that lead to addiction. To choose the best herb a person must first identify the source of their addiction. Are they addicted to coffee because they need to wake up in the morning? If so, then Passionflower or Skullcap might be a good herb for them.
These herbs can help relax them and enable them to sleep more deeply at night so they wake up feeling more refreshed. Is a person smoking because it “relaxes them”? If so then relaxing herbs like chamomile, hops or peppermint might help during the day.
Other traditional herbs used for addictions are valerian, which helps slow brain cell damage that results from excessive alcohol consumption; schisandra which helps the body maintain a physical and emotional balance; calamus root which helps curb the urge to smoke and chaparral herb that helps detoxify the body from impurities, thus eliminating the addictive substance in the body and preventing urges.
There are many additional herbs that can be used to control addiction. The appropriate herb depends on the addiction as well as the person.
Natural Therapies
The stimulation of the right reflexology points can be that right combination. Even without focusing on specific points, reflexology provides many benefits.
Natural therapies like reflexology, acupuncture and acupressure have been shown to have great effects on people with addictions. In fact, acupuncture has been shown to have results superior to those of using addiction recovery programs and medications alone. Acupuncture has been used to heal addictions since 1974 when the first acupuncture clinic for addictions opened at the Lincoln Memorial Hospital in New York City. Today acupuncture is being used to heal everything from drug and alcohol addiction to nicotine and food addiction. (Phillips)
Although highly successful, not everyone has access to an acupuncture clinic. For these people, reflexology at home can be a good solution. In her book, Feet First, Laura Norman says, “Breaking a habit can be like breaking a lock. It just needs the right combination.” (Norman)
The stimulation of the right reflexology points can be that right combination. Even without focusing on specific points, reflexology provides many benefits. It is relaxing, balancing and can take the place of an addictive activity.
To target addictions more specifically one can stimulate the organ points on the foot or hands that have been most affected by the addiction. For smokers a person could stimulate the lungs; for users of alcohol, the liver. One can find reflexology charts online.
Make Dietary and Nutritional Changes
Diet and nutrition have more to do with addiction than people realize. Eating the wrong foods can actually make a person more prone to addiction. A diet that is balancing to a person’s temperament and dietary needs can create a sense of calm and peace physically, emotionally and spiritually.
A diet that causes imbalance can leave “needy” holes in a person’s physical, emotional and spiritual life that they then try to fill with addictive substances. Each person has their own unique dietary needs. However, one substance that causes imbalance for people of all temperaments is sugar. (Hobbs)
Eating too much sugar causes blood sugar levels in the body to become imbalanced. Consuming sugar makes hunger pangs go away. However, when a person takes in too much sugar, they do not feel the need to eat food that contains more of the important nutrients that the body needs, such as vitamins, iron, calcium and magnesium.
This causes the body to feel imbalanced and needy. When a person eats too much sugar, they go on a sugar high because of the energy boost they get from the sugar consumption. But this sugar high is only temporary; energy levels take a plunge afterwards. This often causes the urge to consume caffeine or other addictive substances to help a person “perk up” again.
Sugary sweets are a big part of Ramadan in many countries. However, a person struggling with an addiction should limit these sweets to one per day and only after a full meal. Sugar “substitutes” will have the same or similar effects on the body so those should also be avoided or limited. Sugar substitutes include glucose, sorbitol, corn syrup, splenda, honey and others.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Islam and Addiction
Islam and Addiction
By Judith K. Muhammad Islam Online, Michigan
"The central philosophy of Western culture is that all ills or undesirable states can be 'fixed.' When other measures fail to fix a situation, people often quickly turn to substances that can alter and distort the mind's image, falsely convincing one that the problem is resolved."1
Drug and alcohol addiction has reached epidemic proportions. The drug problem is so significant that it is addressed by politicians in almost every major political campaign in every major city in the United States and by those running for national political office. It is clear that most of the citizens of this country are significantly concerned about the existing and growing alcohol and drug problem.
Substance abuse treatment professionals have come to learn that the most effective strategy is prevention but, to date, there have been few prevention techniques that have proven to be effective. Therefore, intervention and treatment must address this situation.
There have been, throughout the past four decades, a myriad of treatment programs developed and implemented - most of which have proven minimally successful. Treatments range from the most intense (in-patient and residential) to least intense (out-patient and aftercare). Within these programs exist a variety of treatment methods. However, none has proven more successful to date than the programs of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. For the majority of the addicted population, this may be the answer to the problem, but it presents problems for the Muslim addict.
People are attracted to Islam for a variety of reasons. As they take Shahada (repeating the words, "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah") and enter into the Ummah (community) of Islam, they bring with them the problems of the world in which they lived. They bring the baggage of their past and of their history. They bring with them a myriad of problematic behaviors, including alcohol and drug addictions. They expect Islam to cure their addictions and, if Islam is lived completely and strictly according to the Laws and Traditions set down by Allah through the Qur'an and Hadith, it will.
Islam provides clear direction for every aspect of live and for every aspect of the treatment of addiction.
The literature of Islam is specific and precise. The word for an intoxicant used in the Qur'an is Khamr, which is derived from Khamara, meaning the covered or veiled thing. Thus, it will mean any fermented juice, or any other substance that may make one intoxicated after drinking/using.
The use of alcohol and other drugs is considered a "major sin." Muslims are required to stay away from khamr as it is considered the mother of all evils. "They ask thee (Oh Prophet) concerning wine and gambling. Say, in them are a great sin and some profit for men. But the sin is greater than the profit."2
Ibn Umar (raa) reported that Allah's Messenger (pbuh) as saying: "Every intoxicant is Khamr and every (type of) Khamr is prohibited. The one who drinks wine in this world and is addicted to it dies without repentance and will not drink it in the Hereafter."3
Jabir (raa) reported Allah's Messenger (pbuh) saying: "Allah has vowed that, to the one who drank intoxicating drinks, He will give him the sweat of the inhabitants of the Fire to drink."4
The justification of the use of intoxicants as a Major Sin is in these and other hadith. It is clear that obedience to Allah and His Messenger is not only expected, it is required if one wishes to enjoy life in Jannat (heaven) in the hereafter. There is a tradition that says that one of the three persons Allah will not permit to enter Jannat is the person who is addicted to Khamr.5
The Qur'anic legislation concerning the total abstinence of using intoxicants gives Islam a distinct contradiction from most of the world's religions. The Qur'anic prohibitions give Muslims a general stamp of sobriety unknown to the followers of most other religions. In Judaism, wine forms an integral part of the religious festivities and it is considered to be a sacred drink. In Christianity, only its abuse is condemned for most religions and was never absent from the Church or from its clergy.
The literature noted thus far makes it clear that the use of intoxicants is forbidden in Islam. It is forbidden because it is considered to 'veil' the use of the mind and, thus, serves as the 'mother of all evils', initiating or permitting the human to become involved in other behaviors that are also forbidden in Islam.
The Islamic concept is close to the prevailing thought regarding the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol in the non-Muslim Population. Joseph Califano, in his article titled, "It's Drugs Alcohol and Tobacco, Stupid?" discusses the costs to American society by the use of intoxicants. This description clearly indicates that he also believes that the use of intoxicants precipitates 'evil' in our society.
Islam, however, goes one step further than Mr. Califano and the United States. Islam prohibits the use of intoxicants and makes it unlawful to sell grapes to someone who will make wine from them (or any substance used to make intoxicants). If there is any doubt, the transaction is forbidden.
Also forbidden of intoxicants are selling, transporting, buying, giving or making of intoxicants. This, therefore, includes interaction of Muslims with those who are not Muslim. Muslims, for example, are not permitted to sell alcohol to non-Muslims because it involves selling, transporting and buying of intoxicants.6
Treatment of addictions is considered medical treatment. As such, Muslims are required to seek such treatment and the method of treatment is clearly prescribed. "There is a cure for every disease. Whatever illness is treated with its right remedy, it will, by Allah's permission, be cured."7
Treatment of addictions is conducted according to the laws and traditions of Islam.
The treatment specialist/therapist does not necessarily have to be Muslim to provide this treatment, but an understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of treatment is invaluable - as in the treatment of any "minority."
Islam does not "shame" its believers when they come for treatment. It is our understanding that Allah forgives and that we, as humans, have the responsibility to support and assist in recovery whenever possible. It is also the belief of Islam that full adherence to the religious principals of Islam with the support of the Muslim community will provide not only a drug free lifestyle but also recovery.
ENDNOTES:1. Alexander, 19932. Qur'an, 2:2193. Muslim, 8754. Muslim, 19935. Adh-Dhahabi, 13476. Naquib Aal-Misri, 19947. Muslim, 875
Judith K. Muhammad, MA, LLP PhD Candidate. She is the Vice President of Islamic Health & Human Services in Detroit - this agency provides a full range of social services primarily for Muslims, and training in Islamic health care for non-Muslim health care providers. Sr. Judith is also a contributing writer to Islam-Online and has presented at many workshops and conferences around the country on topics such as Islamic Health Care, Islamic Marriage Issues, Juvenile Justice and Substance Abuse and its Treatment
For a complete listing of the sources used in this article, please contact Judith Muhammad at
By Judith K. Muhammad Islam Online, Michigan
"The central philosophy of Western culture is that all ills or undesirable states can be 'fixed.' When other measures fail to fix a situation, people often quickly turn to substances that can alter and distort the mind's image, falsely convincing one that the problem is resolved."1
Drug and alcohol addiction has reached epidemic proportions. The drug problem is so significant that it is addressed by politicians in almost every major political campaign in every major city in the United States and by those running for national political office. It is clear that most of the citizens of this country are significantly concerned about the existing and growing alcohol and drug problem.
Substance abuse treatment professionals have come to learn that the most effective strategy is prevention but, to date, there have been few prevention techniques that have proven to be effective. Therefore, intervention and treatment must address this situation.
There have been, throughout the past four decades, a myriad of treatment programs developed and implemented - most of which have proven minimally successful. Treatments range from the most intense (in-patient and residential) to least intense (out-patient and aftercare). Within these programs exist a variety of treatment methods. However, none has proven more successful to date than the programs of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. For the majority of the addicted population, this may be the answer to the problem, but it presents problems for the Muslim addict.
People are attracted to Islam for a variety of reasons. As they take Shahada (repeating the words, "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah") and enter into the Ummah (community) of Islam, they bring with them the problems of the world in which they lived. They bring the baggage of their past and of their history. They bring with them a myriad of problematic behaviors, including alcohol and drug addictions. They expect Islam to cure their addictions and, if Islam is lived completely and strictly according to the Laws and Traditions set down by Allah through the Qur'an and Hadith, it will.
Islam provides clear direction for every aspect of live and for every aspect of the treatment of addiction.
The literature of Islam is specific and precise. The word for an intoxicant used in the Qur'an is Khamr, which is derived from Khamara, meaning the covered or veiled thing. Thus, it will mean any fermented juice, or any other substance that may make one intoxicated after drinking/using.
The use of alcohol and other drugs is considered a "major sin." Muslims are required to stay away from khamr as it is considered the mother of all evils. "They ask thee (Oh Prophet) concerning wine and gambling. Say, in them are a great sin and some profit for men. But the sin is greater than the profit."2
Ibn Umar (raa) reported that Allah's Messenger (pbuh) as saying: "Every intoxicant is Khamr and every (type of) Khamr is prohibited. The one who drinks wine in this world and is addicted to it dies without repentance and will not drink it in the Hereafter."3
Jabir (raa) reported Allah's Messenger (pbuh) saying: "Allah has vowed that, to the one who drank intoxicating drinks, He will give him the sweat of the inhabitants of the Fire to drink."4
The justification of the use of intoxicants as a Major Sin is in these and other hadith. It is clear that obedience to Allah and His Messenger is not only expected, it is required if one wishes to enjoy life in Jannat (heaven) in the hereafter. There is a tradition that says that one of the three persons Allah will not permit to enter Jannat is the person who is addicted to Khamr.5
The Qur'anic legislation concerning the total abstinence of using intoxicants gives Islam a distinct contradiction from most of the world's religions. The Qur'anic prohibitions give Muslims a general stamp of sobriety unknown to the followers of most other religions. In Judaism, wine forms an integral part of the religious festivities and it is considered to be a sacred drink. In Christianity, only its abuse is condemned for most religions and was never absent from the Church or from its clergy.
The literature noted thus far makes it clear that the use of intoxicants is forbidden in Islam. It is forbidden because it is considered to 'veil' the use of the mind and, thus, serves as the 'mother of all evils', initiating or permitting the human to become involved in other behaviors that are also forbidden in Islam.
The Islamic concept is close to the prevailing thought regarding the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol in the non-Muslim Population. Joseph Califano, in his article titled, "It's Drugs Alcohol and Tobacco, Stupid?" discusses the costs to American society by the use of intoxicants. This description clearly indicates that he also believes that the use of intoxicants precipitates 'evil' in our society.
Islam, however, goes one step further than Mr. Califano and the United States. Islam prohibits the use of intoxicants and makes it unlawful to sell grapes to someone who will make wine from them (or any substance used to make intoxicants). If there is any doubt, the transaction is forbidden.
Also forbidden of intoxicants are selling, transporting, buying, giving or making of intoxicants. This, therefore, includes interaction of Muslims with those who are not Muslim. Muslims, for example, are not permitted to sell alcohol to non-Muslims because it involves selling, transporting and buying of intoxicants.6
Treatment of addictions is considered medical treatment. As such, Muslims are required to seek such treatment and the method of treatment is clearly prescribed. "There is a cure for every disease. Whatever illness is treated with its right remedy, it will, by Allah's permission, be cured."7
Treatment of addictions is conducted according to the laws and traditions of Islam.
The treatment specialist/therapist does not necessarily have to be Muslim to provide this treatment, but an understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of treatment is invaluable - as in the treatment of any "minority."
Islam does not "shame" its believers when they come for treatment. It is our understanding that Allah forgives and that we, as humans, have the responsibility to support and assist in recovery whenever possible. It is also the belief of Islam that full adherence to the religious principals of Islam with the support of the Muslim community will provide not only a drug free lifestyle but also recovery.
ENDNOTES:1. Alexander, 19932. Qur'an, 2:2193. Muslim, 8754. Muslim, 19935. Adh-Dhahabi, 13476. Naquib Aal-Misri, 19947. Muslim, 875
Judith K. Muhammad, MA, LLP PhD Candidate. She is the Vice President of Islamic Health & Human Services in Detroit - this agency provides a full range of social services primarily for Muslims, and training in Islamic health care for non-Muslim health care providers. Sr. Judith is also a contributing writer to Islam-Online and has presented at many workshops and conferences around the country on topics such as Islamic Health Care, Islamic Marriage Issues, Juvenile Justice and Substance Abuse and its Treatment
For a complete listing of the sources used in this article, please contact Judith Muhammad at
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Advice to Teenagers Considering Taking Drugs
Advice to Teenagers Considering Taking Drugs
By Sidi Naeem AbdulWali.
Praise to Allah the Exalted and the choicest peace and blessings be upon His Messenger!Indeed these times try us all, the pious and sinful, the young and the old. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) praised the youth who spent his youth worshipping his Lord as is narrated from Abu Huraira with an agreed upon chain of narrators:"Seven groups shall be in the shade of Allah on a Day when there will be no other shade: A just ruler, a youth who grew up in the worship of his Lord, a man whose heart was attached to the mosque, two men who for the sake of Allah's love met and separated, a man called to by a woman of beauty and position to commit adultery, a man whose right hands' giving in charity is not noticed by his left hand and a man who remembers Allah in solitude till his eyes water."None of us are immune to contemporary challenges even those of the widespread use of intoxicants and narcotic drugs whose illicit nature in the eyes of the Sacred Law is not in doubt.Ibn Hajar in his al-Zawajr 'an iqtiraf al-Khabair has discussed the impermissible nature of such drugs as hashish, opium, henbane, etc., substances which are not ritually impure (najs).He cites the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) as saying:"Every intoxicant is prohibited." [Bukhari & Muslim]And his (Allah bless him & give him peace) saying,"That which intoxicates in large quantities is prohibited in small quantities." [Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and others, with a sound chain of narrators]So here there is no need to doubt the illicit nature of such modern narcotics like cocaine, heroine, etc. or such soft drugs that are available in the club scenes, places, unfortunately, visited frequently by Muslim youth in the West.What I would like to draw our attention to though is how we value ourselves. Perhaps when we as Muslims, even sinful Muslims, realize the value that Allah the Exalted has given us, perhaps it will be then that we will value our individual selves: physically and ultimately spiritually.Allah the Exalted states:"We have created man in the best of forms, then We have lowered him to the lowest of the low, except for the one who acquires sound faith and does wholesomeness." [Qur'an, 95: 4-6]Here Allah indicates our unique createdness both physically and spiritually, for the form of man is the composite of his total self, not just the physical frame.Further Allah the Exalted confers upon certain of the Children of Adam higher status with His statement: "The one whom Allah wants to guide He opens his heart to submission." [Qur'an, 6:125]Also He the Exalted states:"Is the one whose heart Allah has opened to submission so that he is upon a light form his Lord (the same as those He describes as) Woe to those whose hearts have hardened to the remembrance of Allah. They are in a manifest effort." [Qur'an, 39:22]The 'remembrance of Allah' not simply being what we commonly bring to mind as dhikr but ...but the some of the Qu'ranic revelation , its commands and prohibitions.Allah the Exalted says:"O you who believe do not follow in Satan's footsteps whoever follows Satan's footsteps should know that he only commands to evil and corruption. Had it not been of the grace of Allah to you and His mercy not one of you would have been purified but Allah purifies whom He wills, and Allah is the seeing, knowing." [Qur'an, 24:21]Here He warns us as believers to be on guard against our sworn enemy and from his deceptions which lead to evil and corruptions: physically and spiritually, individually and communally.He the Exalted wishes to purify us while Satan desires the opposite. All this is because of the great concern and care that Allah the Exalted has shown and shows to us. In this concern and care let us rejoice and seek Him, let us console and encourage one another in this divine largesse.It has been this faqir's experience while working with youth that our and their self worth is often never considered.Rarely do our elders, whether scholars, teachers or even our parents stress our true value in the sight of the Quranic revelation and the domain of the Prophetic examplar. We must address our youth compassionately, and passionately convey to them their true self value while acknowledging our own.These are some of the words I wished to share concerning this topic, may they prove beneficial and of practical use. My errors are my own, and the right is only by His grace and guidance.
By Sidi Naeem AbdulWali.
Praise to Allah the Exalted and the choicest peace and blessings be upon His Messenger!Indeed these times try us all, the pious and sinful, the young and the old. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) praised the youth who spent his youth worshipping his Lord as is narrated from Abu Huraira with an agreed upon chain of narrators:"Seven groups shall be in the shade of Allah on a Day when there will be no other shade: A just ruler, a youth who grew up in the worship of his Lord, a man whose heart was attached to the mosque, two men who for the sake of Allah's love met and separated, a man called to by a woman of beauty and position to commit adultery, a man whose right hands' giving in charity is not noticed by his left hand and a man who remembers Allah in solitude till his eyes water."None of us are immune to contemporary challenges even those of the widespread use of intoxicants and narcotic drugs whose illicit nature in the eyes of the Sacred Law is not in doubt.Ibn Hajar in his al-Zawajr 'an iqtiraf al-Khabair has discussed the impermissible nature of such drugs as hashish, opium, henbane, etc., substances which are not ritually impure (najs).He cites the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) as saying:"Every intoxicant is prohibited." [Bukhari & Muslim]And his (Allah bless him & give him peace) saying,"That which intoxicates in large quantities is prohibited in small quantities." [Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and others, with a sound chain of narrators]So here there is no need to doubt the illicit nature of such modern narcotics like cocaine, heroine, etc. or such soft drugs that are available in the club scenes, places, unfortunately, visited frequently by Muslim youth in the West.What I would like to draw our attention to though is how we value ourselves. Perhaps when we as Muslims, even sinful Muslims, realize the value that Allah the Exalted has given us, perhaps it will be then that we will value our individual selves: physically and ultimately spiritually.Allah the Exalted states:"We have created man in the best of forms, then We have lowered him to the lowest of the low, except for the one who acquires sound faith and does wholesomeness." [Qur'an, 95: 4-6]Here Allah indicates our unique createdness both physically and spiritually, for the form of man is the composite of his total self, not just the physical frame.Further Allah the Exalted confers upon certain of the Children of Adam higher status with His statement: "The one whom Allah wants to guide He opens his heart to submission." [Qur'an, 6:125]Also He the Exalted states:"Is the one whose heart Allah has opened to submission so that he is upon a light form his Lord (the same as those He describes as) Woe to those whose hearts have hardened to the remembrance of Allah. They are in a manifest effort." [Qur'an, 39:22]The 'remembrance of Allah' not simply being what we commonly bring to mind as dhikr but ...but the some of the Qu'ranic revelation , its commands and prohibitions.Allah the Exalted says:"O you who believe do not follow in Satan's footsteps whoever follows Satan's footsteps should know that he only commands to evil and corruption. Had it not been of the grace of Allah to you and His mercy not one of you would have been purified but Allah purifies whom He wills, and Allah is the seeing, knowing." [Qur'an, 24:21]Here He warns us as believers to be on guard against our sworn enemy and from his deceptions which lead to evil and corruptions: physically and spiritually, individually and communally.He the Exalted wishes to purify us while Satan desires the opposite. All this is because of the great concern and care that Allah the Exalted has shown and shows to us. In this concern and care let us rejoice and seek Him, let us console and encourage one another in this divine largesse.It has been this faqir's experience while working with youth that our and their self worth is often never considered.Rarely do our elders, whether scholars, teachers or even our parents stress our true value in the sight of the Quranic revelation and the domain of the Prophetic examplar. We must address our youth compassionately, and passionately convey to them their true self value while acknowledging our own.These are some of the words I wished to share concerning this topic, may they prove beneficial and of practical use. My errors are my own, and the right is only by His grace and guidance.
Alcohol and Muslims
The word alcohol is derived from the Arabic word al-kohl, which means fermented grains, fruits, or sugars that form an intoxicating beverage when fermented. Khamr or khamrah is the word used in the Qur'an to denote a fermented beverage that intoxicates a person when he/she drinks it. It is sometimes translated as "wine."Khamr in Early Muslim HistoryPre-Islamic Arabs had harsh lives and felt that alcohol was an indispensable way to cope with their problems. Among the troubles that the Arab people had before Islam were: tribal warfare, excessive pride and competition, prostitution, insecurity, broken homes, and female infanticide. Women were treated as slaves, and children were deprived of affection, while men were expected to be tough and competitive. These were all factors that compelled people to drink.Sale of alcohol was so common that the name for merchant, tajir, became synonymous with the seller of khamr. Khamr shops and bars were open 24 hours a day.The first Qur'anic verse (chronologically) to deal with alcohol was revealed in Mecca before the hijra:"And from the fruit of the date-palm and the vine ye get out wholesome drink and food: behold in this also is a Sign for those who are wise." (16:67)After this verse, some Muslims started to wonder about the correctness of taking khamr.Revealed in Madinah a few years later, was this verse:"They ask thee concerning wine and gambling, say: "In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit..."(2:219)Most Muslims continued to drink but some began to abstain or reduce their intake. Certain Muslims had been abstinent even in the pre-Islamic days, most notably, Uthman Ibn Affan, who later was the third Khalifa. Uthman said, "Al-khamr 'robs' the mind totally; and I have not yet seen anything which when entirely 'robbed' or curtailed will come back in its original intact form!"Recent studies have shown that drinking alcohol can in fact cause permanent damage to memory and learning ability.The third mention of alcohol by Allah (SWT) in the Qur'an occurred as follows:"O ye who believe! Approach not prayers with a mind befogged, until ye can understand all that ye say, ..." (4:43)Now there was a great difficulty in being drunk, since a Muslim has to pray five times a day. The Prophet (SAW) is reported to have said, "Prayer is the pillar of religion. The one who performs it has erected religion and the one who abandons it has ruined (his) religion." Since the prayers are spread throughout the day, it is difficult if not impossible, for a good Muslim to ever get drunk.If a Muslim failed to appear at the mosque in those days, his friends would think he was ill. He would then feel guilty that really, it was just his drunkenness that prevented him from coming. The religious brotherhood of Muslims helped encourage abstinence from alcohol in those days. It is still true today, that Muslims help each other be strong in resisting such temptations. The Muslim who falls away from the rest of the community becomes like a lost sheep among wolves, and risks being engulfed by sinful ways.Since there were no drugs in those days to help ease the pain of withdrawal symptoms, alcoholic Muslims began to slowly reduce their intake. Honey was given to these alcoholics to help them restore vitamins to their bodies and ease the detoxification process. These two techniques (slow withdrawal and honey) have been shown in recent times to be effective and helpful in treating alcoholics.During this period of weaning from alcohol, khamr sellers also began looking for a new means of livelihood."...The devil wants only to cast among you enmity and hatred by means of strong drink and games of chance and to turn you from remembering Allah and from prayer. Will you then desist." (5:90-91)These verses are the ones that declared total prohibition of alcohol to the Muslims. After this verse was revealed, the Muslim citizens of Madinah immediately began to spill their stocks of wine into the sand and streets; so that the wine ran through the streets of Madinah. Individuals who up till that moment were enjoying guiltlessly a glass of wine, quickly emptied their cups on the ground and spit out the alcohol from their mouths. They rushed to make ablutions in order to purify themselves.Muslim Values Make Alcohol UnnecessaryIslam instilled family values and gave security to the people. Thus, with Islam, there is no longer a "need" to drink in order to relieve unhappiness and stress by slipping into a fantasy world. One American convert to Islam, who used to drink before in her pre-Muslim days, comments, "I think that being Muslim has made me face up to a lot of things, which is painful, but by working them out I feel much less need to run away from my problems, and alcohol is basically the best way to run away from problems."The fear of God helps Muslims keep away from not only alcohol, but all other evils prohibited by the Qur'an, such as adultery, abuse of wives and children, and gambling. Peer pressure (brotherhood) also helps Muslims abstain from these sins.Attempts to abolish alcohol in America (during the Prohibition period) and drugs (the "War on Drugs") were not successful, because the factors that cause people in America to drink and use drugs have not been eliminated.What compels people to drink? A variety of factors, including people whose jobs bring them into contact with alcohol, or who find themselves in social settings where alcohol is available or even "pushed" on them. Also, being able to afford the luxury of spending money on alcohol and having the leisure time to drink it, as well as being beguiled by ads which allure a person to think that drinking alcohol is a way to have a good time, or appear sexy, rich, powerful and cosmopolitan. Finally, the example of other drinkers, usually friends or family can lure a person into thinking that it is okay to drink. Alcoholics (people addicted to excessive drinking of alcohol) tend to want immediate gratification and are addicted to this-worldly pleasure. They don't tend to care about the long term consequences.Sellers of khamr in Madinah were given ample warning that they should find another trade, so the change away from an alcohol-laden economy was gradual and not disruptive. Today in America, much of the economy revolves around the alcohol industry. The government, for example, collects a hefty sum of money from taxes on alcohol. Do you think that the U.S. government today could be serious about wanting to get rid of alcohol? Companies which produce alcohol continue to spend grandly on ads and TV commercials, and then donate a portion of their profit to "help" some of the people whose lives have been ruined by consumption of their product.A practicing Muslim will not touch alcohol out of fear of God. Those who do usually feel much guilt on breaking a Qur'anic injunction. Many drinkers will cease this activity during Ramadan. Sometimes, excessive drinkers find themselves so changed by the experience of Hajj (pilgrimage) that they never drink again.In a true Islamic State, a person is not likely to ever reach the point of physical dependence on alcohol. Friends, family and neighbors will not just look away while a person destroys himself and his family. Muslims are supposed to be very involved in correcting wrongs that they see. Islam is a very community-oriented faith. There is no place for an individual to do what he wants to do, if it hurts others. And by hurting yourself through drinking, you inadvertently hurt others.Too much guilt about drinking alcohol can make a person feel so bad that he or she drinks just to smother the guilt. To balance feelings of guilt, Muslims need to remember the mercy and forgiveness of Allah."And those who, having done something to be ashamed of, or wronged their own souls, earnestly bring Allah to mind, and ask for forgiveness for their sins, --- and who can forgive sins except Allah? --- and are never obstinate in persisting knowingly in (the wrong) they have done." (3:135)Modern methods of curing alcoholics have not been very successful; many will regress to drinking again. Among the new methods of "treating" alcoholics is injecting the drinker with a drug like apomorphine, which makes the victim feel sick and vomit as soon as the drink is taken. This is done repeatedly over several weeks so that the drinker learns to associate drinking with nausea and vomiting. Temporary paralysis via scoline injection and electric shocks are other techniques Western doctors use to try to get heavy drinkers to quit.What Alcohol DoesYou may have heard that drinking wine in moderation (1 to 2 glasses a day), is beneficial in helping to reduce heart failure. Even if this is true, the harm from alcohol outweighs the good, so it should be avoided (verse 2:219 of Qur'an). If you want to help your heart, there are better ways to do it, like exercising and eating less saturated fat and cholesterol.Alcohol acts on the CNS (Central Nervous System). Drinkers have more accidents (automotive, and in general) due to decreased ability to function while under the influence of alcohol. Long term alcohol abuse can lead to: hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcers, heart disease, dementia, cardio-myopathy, vitamin deficiencies, and cirrhosis of the liver.Cirrhosis of the liver can occur when a person drinks every day. Women who drink two or more drinks a day, and men who drink 4 drinks a day, are at risk for developing cirrhosis. A "drink" equals 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor, 5 ounces of wine or 12 ounces of beer. The liver gets used to a steady supply of alcohol, and chooses alcohol as its main source of fuel, leaving fatty acids(the preferred fuel of choice in a healthy liver) to collect in the tissues of the liver, which cuts off the blood supply to the organ. Liver cells begin to die and scar tissue is formed, deforming the liver. At the acute stage, the person will experience high blood pressure, an accumulation of fluids in the abdomen, vimoting of blood, hepititis and possibly liver cancer.CAT scans of the head show that heavy, long-term consumption of alcohol can cause the brain to shrink. Alcohol irritates the stomach and interferes with absorption of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It can contribute to obesity due to its high calorie content. The liver is damaged when alcohol causes accumulation of fatty deposits, which eventually leads to cirrhosis of the liver. High blood pressure and alcohol abuse often go together.Recent research shows that the corpus callosum (the part of the brain that connects its left and right hemispheres) is smaller in alcoholics. Also it has been demonstrated that female alcoholics sustain even greater brain damage than men.Risk of osteoporosis (weakened bone tissue) increases for female drinkers. There is also support in medical research to show an association between alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk. In addition, women who become drunk are more likely to be victims of rape and other violent crimes, while drunk men are more likely to be the cause of violent crimes.Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can lead to birth defects in the baby. In fetal alcohol syndrome, the child will often display signs of mental retardation, and have closely set eyes, a small nasal bridge, epicanthal eye folds, heart valve lesions, microcephaly, small teeth and poor tooth enamel, limited joint movement and an inability to pay attention.There is great wisdom in the prohibition of drinking alcohol!Note: Any numbered references (i.e., "2:155") refer to chapter and verse in the Qur'an.References:"Islam and Alcoholism" by M.B. Badri, Dr. Scheuler's Home Medical Advisor, Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia, CNN, Medical Correspondent Jeff Levin, "The Wellness Encyclopedia" (UC @ Berkeley), "A Meta-Analysis of Alcohol Consumption in Relation to Risk of Breast Cancer," JAMA Vol. 260, #5, ?World Medicine? by Tom Monte, et al, and the National Council for Alcoholism (212) 206-6770
In Pakistan the first known case of heroin addiction was recorded in 1980. In 1981, there were only 25 cases recorded. By 1986 there were half a million cases. Now it is estimated the Lhercarebetween 1-1.5 million cases in a population of 95 million. The rate of growth of narcotic addiction in Pakistan is higher than that of USA. In addition to heroin addicts, there are about 1 million opium and hashish users, and 300,000 tranquillizer abusers. The actual number of alcoholics is difficult to determine, since they usually don't seek treatment. There are only 26 rehabilitation centers and 10,000 trained social workers.By comparison, in the USA with a population of 220 million, there are 15 milllion alcoholics, 2 million heroin addicts, 5.5 million cocaine users, 6 million tranquilizer abusers and 18 million regularly use marijuana. There are 700 treatment centers. There are 10,000 kids (children born to cocaine mothers).The cost of drug treatment to the nation (USA) is $117 billion per year. In 1986 congress allotted only $2.5 billion to control drug traffic, a $110 billion industry. The value of cocaine seized at the borders in 1985 was $70 million (5 million in 1981) and marijuana $70 million (2 million in 1981). Next to Columbia, the USA is the second biggest producer of marijuana.In addition to morbidity, the alcohol and drug scene is closely connected to the crime rate. In 1985 alone 800,000 arrests were made for drug violations (compared to 400,000 in 1973). Of the 523,000 inmates in the U.S. prisons, one-third admitted drinking alcohol before committing the felony. Of the 50,000 auto accidents deaths annually, 23,000 are related to acute alcoholism, 5,000 being teenagers. In addition about 1500,000 arrests occur annually in traffic violation due to alcoholism. In addition great man made disasters have taken place due to one man's alcohol indulgence i.e. the captain of the Exxon tanker in Alaska. No wonder, the ethics committee in US congress was so careful in choosing the Defence Secretary. One third of all 75,000 AIDS cases are occurring in IV drug abusers or their partners. 54%,of drug related AIDS are in heterosexual men, 16% in women, 20% in homosexual men, 8% in partners of drug users and 3% in children born to mothers with drug abuse or whose partner was drug abuser. The alcohol and drug abuse in children as young as 5 is increasing at an alarming rate.In addition to alcohol, marijuana, heroin and cocaine, the other drugs abused are an angel dust (PCP), speed, MDMA (estacy), china white, MPTP, tranquilizers and anabolic steroids. Let us discuss some of the medical aspects of these drugs in brief.Marijuana: Has 400 known chemicals, 61 of them affect the brain, the THC or delta 9 Tetrahydro Cannabinol is the most active ingredient. Marijuana impairs memory, concentration and reading capacity. Increases anxiety, apprehension and fear. It damages heart and lung. It lowers testosterone (male hormone) and sperm count and affects the outcome of pregnancy. It is more carcinogenic than cigarettes.Cocaine: A potent brain stimulant, was initially thought to be harmless, thus added to the soft drink (coke) in 1900. When given intravenously, it produces intense high and intense low (depression), hallucination, convulsion, cardiac arrest and death.Heroin: (Opium) morphine derivative. Usually injected by needle, but can be snorted or smoked. It is highly addictive with intensely withdrawal. Overdose results in death.Amphetamines: Are "pep pills" to fight fatigue and stay awake, suppress appetite, and stimulates heart and central nervous system. Dangerous in large doses and can cause psychological addiction.Barbiturates: Are used to overcome intense high and produce sleep. It can be fatal when used with alcohol.LSD (Acid): It is a powerful hallucinogen, can cause psychotic reaction and mental breakdown.New Drugs: MDMA (estacy) is LSD + Cocaine, causes disorientation initially but leads to permanent brain damage. China White is 1,000 times more potent than heroin. MPTP causes Parkinsonism (brain damage).Alcohol: Alcohol damages all organs of the body in due course. It damages liver (cirrhosis), causes stomach bleeding (ulcer), heart (cardiomyopathy), sex hormones and the immune system. Its effect on the brain can be acute (intoxication, delirium) or chronic (ataxia, memory loss, coordination). It is linked to breast cancer and fetal damage in women. But it is violence, homicide, suicide and drunk driving which takes most lives.Prorile of An Alcoholic And Drug Abuser:Instead of writing at length the problems of drugs and alcohol in youths of America, which cost the nation billions of dollars, and cost mothers their sons and dauqhters (MADD), I think it will be bette if I print an autobiography of one of my patients (19 years old, white female, upper class, name withheld). She writes ..."When I was in high school, my friends and I began to experiment with marijuana. After the excitement of smoking pot became "old hat", we began to try different drugs - such as hash and THC. Pretty soon cocaine and LSD were introduced to us and it was common place to go to any party "high" on one or more of these drugs. Several times, I had very frightening experiences. Specifically one night, after taking LSD I went home (to my parent's home) before my"high" was over. Usually, I stayed overnight with a friend who "tripped" with me. On this night, my boyfriend and I broke up right after I took the LSD, so I went home alone. Mv parents were asleep in the next room and I felt that I had to be very quiet, so as not to wake them. I was afraid to make any noise , plus I was upset over the breakup of my relationship with my boyfriend. When the LSD took effect, I was very frightened. The walls looked as though they were melting: I heard strange noises; I hallucinated, even after closing my eyes. The sights were very unpleasant and frightening images. But l couldn't do anything but lie in bed, waiting for the drug to wear off. I didn't think I could tell my parents, since I knew I had taken an illegal and dangerous drug- I was awake nearly all night, scared to death with no one to talk to. For days after this incident, I was nervous and jumpy and depressed. The incident was a major shock to my system and one that I would never want to repeat.I stopped taking "drugs" immediately after my senior year in high school- (I had only discovered drugs at the beginning of the school year). But, I guess the stage was set off for my future reactions. Drugs did not help- they were just for fun at first - but then once the "high" was gone, there was a real "let down" feeling that followed. So we'd either do more drugs or drink a few beers to make that feeling go away. Even now, whenever I get down or "stressed out"- the first thing I do is have a few drinks. The day after is always unpleasant if I have had too many drinks - so the opportunity for a vicious cycle is there. I honestly believe that the "harmless" experiments with marijuana, several years ago, may have been the start of this tendency to turn to alcohol today. The bottom line is, I'd be a hundred times better off today - happier and wealthier if drugs had never entered my life years ago.The Islamic Perspective:The objectives of Islamic divine laws are the protection of faith (belief in one God), life ( abortion. suicide, homicide), property (ownership) and the mind (intoxicants). Normally in the brain there is an inhibitory control which tells us not to engage in shameful or wrongful acts. Any suppressant drug including alcohol will suppress this nerve pathways and take away such restraint. Ability to make a judgement, to protect the body or honor, a quality for humans is taken away under the influence of drugs.There are two main features of Islamic prohibitions:a) lslam stops the wrong at the inception and not at the end. There is nothing like safe drinking age, or safe drugs to get high. Most of the teenage alcoholics don't buy the alcohol from the store but get it at home. Islam makes equal laws for both children and parents by prohibiting completely (total abstinence), but the West does not. It is for this reason, the West has been crippled to handle the problem of drugs and alcohol, because it has made duel standards.b) Islam blocks all the avenues to the wrong. Therefore not only illicit sex is prohibited, but casual mixing of sexes freely is prohibited, but obscenity and pornography is prohibited, and in the same context, not only drinking wine is prohibited, but making it , selling it, keeping it, or even growing grapes for the sole purpose of selling it to winery for making wine is prohibited by the Prophet (PBUH). Some 1400 years ago, Allah(swt), our creator and sustainer, who cares for us, sent down following revelation in the following order, mentioned in Quran.Al Baqarah 2:219: "They ask you concerning wine and gambling." Say: "In them there is great sin, and some profit, for men, but sin is greater than the profit."Al-Nisa 4:43: "O you who believe! Approach not prayers, with a mind befogged, until you can understand all that you say."Al-Ma'idah 5:93: "O you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divinations by) arrows, are an abomination of Satan's handiwork: Avoid such (abomination) that you may prosper."Al-Ma'idah 5:93: "Satan's plan is to sow enmity and hatred among you with intoxicants and gambling, and to hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. Will you not then give up."The above verses came over period of years and when the last verse came, Muslims threw away all the wine into the streets and stopped completely in whatever state they were in, and streets of Medina were flowing with wine.Sayings of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and about wine and other intoxicants.1. "Every intoxicant is khamr, and every khamr is haram (unlawful)- reported by Muslim.2. "Of that which intoxicates in a large amount, a small amount is haram" (Ahmad, Abu-Daud and Al-Tirrnizi,).3. "Khamar (intoxicants) is the mother of all evils". Reported in Bukhari.The solutions: There are no easy solutions. In fact it is a multifactorial problem and each aspect should be addressed individually, and seriously, both by the government and by the public. While the total ban on production, import and export is the ideal solution to create a drug free society, by experience (i.e. in the USA with total ban on alcohol in 1920's) it is difficult to achieve unless strict laws are made and enforced on drug producers, traffickers and offenders, a law, that sees distinction between the helpless victim and a powerful drug Lord. Our current system punishes the former and spares the latter. Islam offers such tough laws to influence our morality and health. While we are trying to do these, we in the mean time should pay more attention to the needs of the victim by the education of the masses, social workers, law enforcements agencies and the physicians at the same time developing treatment and rehab centers in large scale as human sufferings continues to grow and son, daughters, husbands and fathers are being lost daily. All these require motivation and commitment from all of us. It is beyond the dignity of a human being to become dependent on alcohol and drugs and not be able to serve himself, his family and his creator in the best possible manner.
Dangers of Smoking 2
Dangers of Smoking 2
Smoking is one of the things which has caused a lot of problems and harm these days and it has spread like wild fire. Before we discuss this topic in detail, we should know that Allaah the Almighty has divided things in the world into two types, good or permissible (al-tayyibaat, al-halaal) and evil or prohibited (al-khabaa'ith, al-haraam), and there is no third type. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning) in surat al-A'raaf (7:157):"And He makes good things halaal for them and bad things haraam."Considering this fact, smoking can either be permissible and good or prohibited and evil.Thus, we present some of its characteristics and let the person asking the question see himself in which type lies smoking.1. There is no disagreement among the physicians and sane people that smoking is harmful for health. It is one of the major causes of lung cancer and other diseases. It is also one of the major causes of death. Since, it is known that the Islamic law prohibits everything that is harmful for a human being. Allah said (interpretation of meaning):"Do not kill yourself. Allah is Merciful unto you." (Surat al-Nisaa' 4:29)In addition, His Prophet SAWS (peace be upon him) said:"There is no harm or causing of harm (in Islaam)." (Arabic "laa darar wa laa diraar")He SAWS (peace be upon him) also said:"A person will not be able to move on the Day of Judgment until he is asked about ... his body as to what he engaged it in."Smoking also goes against the saying of the Prophet SAWS:"Your body has a right on you."2. There is no disagreement among the physicians and sane people that smoking is harmful for the health of others who inhale the polluted breath of the smoker. Medical research has proven the harmful effects of smoking mothers on their children.3. The offensive smell caused by smoking is a source of pain to the worshippers of Allah among humans and angels. The angels are offended and suffer from the same things that the human beings suffer from. Allah said (interpretation of the meaning):"Those who cause harm to believing men and women without any reason do a great sin." (Surat al-Ahzaab, 33:58)4. The money that is spent on cigarettes is used on buying a harmful thing and is therefore an extravagance. Allah said (interpretation of the meaning):"? and do not be extravagant wasters. Those who are extravagant are kinsmen of Satan." (Surat al-Israa' 17:26-27)Extravagance (in Islam) means spending on something haraam.Spending money on cigarettes is a waste of resources as well. The Prophet SAWS (peace be upon him) said:"A person will not be able to move on the Day of Judgment until he is asked about ..... what he owned as to how he spent it."Considering all that has been presented, it can be clearly seen that smoking is an evil among many others. It is not permissible to indulge in it, or buy and sell it, or even to offer it to others. It is incumbent on a person who is addicted to it that he must make all efforts and get whatever necessary treatment to stop it. If the unbelievers have understood the harm caused by smoking and made laws regarding it, the Muslims should be even more eager to stop it and treat those who are addicted to it.We ask Allah the Almighty to cure everyone indulging in this evil and help him in giving it up. Allah is the Best Guide to the Right Path.
Smoking is one of the things which has caused a lot of problems and harm these days and it has spread like wild fire. Before we discuss this topic in detail, we should know that Allaah the Almighty has divided things in the world into two types, good or permissible (al-tayyibaat, al-halaal) and evil or prohibited (al-khabaa'ith, al-haraam), and there is no third type. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning) in surat al-A'raaf (7:157):"And He makes good things halaal for them and bad things haraam."Considering this fact, smoking can either be permissible and good or prohibited and evil.Thus, we present some of its characteristics and let the person asking the question see himself in which type lies smoking.1. There is no disagreement among the physicians and sane people that smoking is harmful for health. It is one of the major causes of lung cancer and other diseases. It is also one of the major causes of death. Since, it is known that the Islamic law prohibits everything that is harmful for a human being. Allah said (interpretation of meaning):"Do not kill yourself. Allah is Merciful unto you." (Surat al-Nisaa' 4:29)In addition, His Prophet SAWS (peace be upon him) said:"There is no harm or causing of harm (in Islaam)." (Arabic "laa darar wa laa diraar")He SAWS (peace be upon him) also said:"A person will not be able to move on the Day of Judgment until he is asked about ... his body as to what he engaged it in."Smoking also goes against the saying of the Prophet SAWS:"Your body has a right on you."2. There is no disagreement among the physicians and sane people that smoking is harmful for the health of others who inhale the polluted breath of the smoker. Medical research has proven the harmful effects of smoking mothers on their children.3. The offensive smell caused by smoking is a source of pain to the worshippers of Allah among humans and angels. The angels are offended and suffer from the same things that the human beings suffer from. Allah said (interpretation of the meaning):"Those who cause harm to believing men and women without any reason do a great sin." (Surat al-Ahzaab, 33:58)4. The money that is spent on cigarettes is used on buying a harmful thing and is therefore an extravagance. Allah said (interpretation of the meaning):"? and do not be extravagant wasters. Those who are extravagant are kinsmen of Satan." (Surat al-Israa' 17:26-27)Extravagance (in Islam) means spending on something haraam.Spending money on cigarettes is a waste of resources as well. The Prophet SAWS (peace be upon him) said:"A person will not be able to move on the Day of Judgment until he is asked about ..... what he owned as to how he spent it."Considering all that has been presented, it can be clearly seen that smoking is an evil among many others. It is not permissible to indulge in it, or buy and sell it, or even to offer it to others. It is incumbent on a person who is addicted to it that he must make all efforts and get whatever necessary treatment to stop it. If the unbelievers have understood the harm caused by smoking and made laws regarding it, the Muslims should be even more eager to stop it and treat those who are addicted to it.We ask Allah the Almighty to cure everyone indulging in this evil and help him in giving it up. Allah is the Best Guide to the Right Path.
Dangers of Smoking
Dangers of Smoking 1
It is a universally accepted and indisputable fact that smoking has many serious health and life hazards, for example, lung cancer, etc. to the smoker as well as those (non-smokers) in his (smokers) environment, therefore, not permissible. Shari'ah has explained in great length the importance and virtue of good health to the extent that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) even advised to maintain a balance in eating and drinking as an imbalance could be harmful to health. He advised having dates, being hot in nature with cucumber, as it (cucumber) has a cooling effect. (Shamaail). On one occasion, Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) even stopped Hadhrat Ali (Radhiallaahu Anhu) from eating dates upon recovering from his illness and advised him to have vegetables instead.Although dates is not only nutritious but also a means of obtaining blessing, but in certain conditions, since it could be harmful, Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) advised against it. From that, one can gauge the extent of abstaining from cigarettes which contain many harmful ingredients, for example, carbon monoxide, nicotine, tar and benzene vapour.Therefore, smoking is harmful to the smoker as well as those around him. Consider the following: Muhammad Abdul Ghaffaar al-Afghan in his book, 'Ninety nine harms of smoking' has said that smoking results in many sicknesses which doctors have explained and they all amount to ninety nine.Doctor Salahuddeen Abdur-Rabbi Nabiy, a neuro surgeon in Cairo says, 'When a person becomes enslaved to the habit of smoking, it has a very harmful effect on the smoker's health, especially to his heart. As a result his heart beat and blood circulation becomes unstable and he experiences drowsiness from time to time due to the shrinkin of his brain arteries.Sometimes during old age, he suffers from high blood pressure and angina. Similarly, his digestive and respiratory systems are harmed and the smoker loses his appetite. He is also afflicted by a cough which is known as the smoker's cough. When his nervous system is affected the smoker feels a prickly sensation, a numbness in his limbs and also a pain in the nerves.'In the annual conference of the American Doctors Council which took place in Chicago in 1966, the main topic discussed was the harms of smoking. Doctors, who were aware of the role that smoking played in lung cancer, became alarmed when they heard that the least harm smoking causes is that at arouses anxiety. Doctor Edward Kweller Hammond, head of statistics in the Cancer Association of America said, "Verily lung cancer which is caused by smoking cigarettes is not so serious in comparison to the injury caused by smoking with other means." It is stated in the ninth edition of "World of Knowledge" magazine that the time has come wherein it has become necessary to expose all the harms of smoking. It should also be realised that these dispecable substances even cause death.It is also necessary to elucidate the harms of smoking in the hope of saving many intelligent and educated youth, who will be astonished on how much has been written regarding this topic. It is also stated in the above-mentioned magazine under the following heading, "Cancer Caused by Smoking":This fatal illness is the culmination of many illnesses which are the result of thin blood and other sicknesses which are related to the blood vessels. All these are connected to this loathsome substances. However, lung cancer is the most likely outcome of smoking.Lung cancer was a very rare disease but the end of this century witnessed a high rise in its occurance, primarily in men and thereafter in women. In the beginning of the sixties, the death rate due to lung cancer increased compared to before. Smoking also yields other health hazards besides its general and specific economic harms.PROOF FOR THE PROHIBITION OF SMOKINGSmoking did not exist in the time of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ?ayhi Wasallam), but our magnificent Deen has laid down general principles from which many laws are derived. From these principles, the Ulama (Allah's mercy be upon them) have come to the conclusion that smoking is Haraam.An Aayaat of the Noble Qur'aan states, 'And do not throw yourself into destruction with your own hands.' (Baqarah 195). Smoking causes fatal sicknesses, for example, lung cancer, tuberculosis, etc.In another Aayat, Allah Ta'ala says, 'And do not kill yourselves'. (Nisaa 29). Nabi Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam said, 'Whomsoever drinks poison, thereby killing himself, will sip this poison forever and ever in the fire of Jahannum.'Cigarettes consist of many poisonous substances and furthermore, the smoker indulges in a slow suicidal act by smoking this poison.and Allah Ta'ala Knows BestMufti Ebrahim Desai
It is a universally accepted and indisputable fact that smoking has many serious health and life hazards, for example, lung cancer, etc. to the smoker as well as those (non-smokers) in his (smokers) environment, therefore, not permissible. Shari'ah has explained in great length the importance and virtue of good health to the extent that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) even advised to maintain a balance in eating and drinking as an imbalance could be harmful to health. He advised having dates, being hot in nature with cucumber, as it (cucumber) has a cooling effect. (Shamaail). On one occasion, Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) even stopped Hadhrat Ali (Radhiallaahu Anhu) from eating dates upon recovering from his illness and advised him to have vegetables instead.Although dates is not only nutritious but also a means of obtaining blessing, but in certain conditions, since it could be harmful, Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) advised against it. From that, one can gauge the extent of abstaining from cigarettes which contain many harmful ingredients, for example, carbon monoxide, nicotine, tar and benzene vapour.Therefore, smoking is harmful to the smoker as well as those around him. Consider the following: Muhammad Abdul Ghaffaar al-Afghan in his book, 'Ninety nine harms of smoking' has said that smoking results in many sicknesses which doctors have explained and they all amount to ninety nine.Doctor Salahuddeen Abdur-Rabbi Nabiy, a neuro surgeon in Cairo says, 'When a person becomes enslaved to the habit of smoking, it has a very harmful effect on the smoker's health, especially to his heart. As a result his heart beat and blood circulation becomes unstable and he experiences drowsiness from time to time due to the shrinkin of his brain arteries.Sometimes during old age, he suffers from high blood pressure and angina. Similarly, his digestive and respiratory systems are harmed and the smoker loses his appetite. He is also afflicted by a cough which is known as the smoker's cough. When his nervous system is affected the smoker feels a prickly sensation, a numbness in his limbs and also a pain in the nerves.'In the annual conference of the American Doctors Council which took place in Chicago in 1966, the main topic discussed was the harms of smoking. Doctors, who were aware of the role that smoking played in lung cancer, became alarmed when they heard that the least harm smoking causes is that at arouses anxiety. Doctor Edward Kweller Hammond, head of statistics in the Cancer Association of America said, "Verily lung cancer which is caused by smoking cigarettes is not so serious in comparison to the injury caused by smoking with other means." It is stated in the ninth edition of "World of Knowledge" magazine that the time has come wherein it has become necessary to expose all the harms of smoking. It should also be realised that these dispecable substances even cause death.It is also necessary to elucidate the harms of smoking in the hope of saving many intelligent and educated youth, who will be astonished on how much has been written regarding this topic. It is also stated in the above-mentioned magazine under the following heading, "Cancer Caused by Smoking":This fatal illness is the culmination of many illnesses which are the result of thin blood and other sicknesses which are related to the blood vessels. All these are connected to this loathsome substances. However, lung cancer is the most likely outcome of smoking.Lung cancer was a very rare disease but the end of this century witnessed a high rise in its occurance, primarily in men and thereafter in women. In the beginning of the sixties, the death rate due to lung cancer increased compared to before. Smoking also yields other health hazards besides its general and specific economic harms.PROOF FOR THE PROHIBITION OF SMOKINGSmoking did not exist in the time of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ?ayhi Wasallam), but our magnificent Deen has laid down general principles from which many laws are derived. From these principles, the Ulama (Allah's mercy be upon them) have come to the conclusion that smoking is Haraam.An Aayaat of the Noble Qur'aan states, 'And do not throw yourself into destruction with your own hands.' (Baqarah 195). Smoking causes fatal sicknesses, for example, lung cancer, tuberculosis, etc.In another Aayat, Allah Ta'ala says, 'And do not kill yourselves'. (Nisaa 29). Nabi Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam said, 'Whomsoever drinks poison, thereby killing himself, will sip this poison forever and ever in the fire of Jahannum.'Cigarettes consist of many poisonous substances and furthermore, the smoker indulges in a slow suicidal act by smoking this poison.and Allah Ta'ala Knows BestMufti Ebrahim Desai
Friday, August 7, 2009
Drug Abuse Pictures Before and After (Video)
Drug Abuse Pictures Before and After (Video)
Drug Testing, Alcohol Tests, Awareness and Information Video
Drug Testing, Alcohol Tests, Awareness and Information Video
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Anti Drug song
Anti drug song
please vist the below link for more anti drug songs
Monday, August 3, 2009
Anti Drug Poem
Dearest cocaine
Come on
poor me out
,and sniff me well...
I'll just kill you
You love me, and need me
I give you all the pleasure you need,
and I get you so high.
Come on sniff me
you know you want me,
Your words,
dearest cocaine,
are always in my head,
You crave me
you want me
Come onpoor me out
and sniff me well.
I'm just a time bomb
waiting to explode,
i can damage your brain
but you don't care,
you are addicted to me.
Let me a teach you a lesson
and make you sick.
Make you so sick and ill
that you end up dying
I'm a time bomb
waiting to kill you,
so sniff me well
for I'll kill you soon...
Anti Drug Poem
Always Livinn Anti-Drug
Anti-drug is the way to be dont
get caught up in smokin weed or doin
crack because its all a BIG WASTE
You hurt yourself in the longrun
you might think its cool but
always stay above the influence
So imagine this do you want to
end up on life support
and see that tunnel as it
takes you down further
and further and see that
light that once oyu reach
it your gone....gone for ever in the physical
realm just because you took that first sniff
or that first puff
So im living drug free some might mock
and ridicule me
but it wouldnt even phase me
because i am taking control of my life
and i am NOT letting a couple shots take me
drunk..... because then i have no control
and that is totally against my ways
and my ways stay unlike your life when
you do drugs
So dont let your light burn out
let it shine so it says im
drug free and thats the way ill always be
Sunday, August 2, 2009
European Cities Against Drugs
European Cities Against Drugs
Mission Statement
The abuse of illegal drugs is a growing problem all over Europe. Various actions are taken by the European Union, the member states and capitals, cities and municipalities to counteract the problems. However, there is a lack of a common strategy and common goals in the combat against drugs. In addition, some countries and cities in Europe are actively advocating the legalisation of drugs and promote a policy which actively undermines other countries' efforts to limit supply and demand of drugs.
Europe has become a centre for drug trafficking, distribution and consumption of drugs. The spread of drugs is the result of a shattered and resigned and often reactionary policy. Millions of Europeans are affected directly by this policy as drug addicts, parents, relatives or victims of crimes. Drugs claim many victims and cause rejection and suffering.
There can be no other goal than a drug-free Europe. Such a goal is neither utopian, nor impossible. Too often, however politicians and others seem to act according to what they think is possible to do, rather than what is necessary to do.
Comprehensive efforts to combat tobacco is now under way in various countries, including presentation of up-to-date research, lawsuits against the tobacco industry, bans on advertising, sampling and sponsorship. It is necessary to co-ordinate and intensify the combat against drugs in a similar way. To achieve this, there is great demand for general agreement and support regarding the appropriate measures.
Offensive against drugs Countries in Western Europe still have good financial means and other resources to prevent and combat drugs and the use of drugs. It is necessary to mobilise capitals, regional capitals, cities and municipalities all over Europe in the combat against drugs and in efforts to use existing resources as effectively as possible.
Adherence to the United Nations Conventions on Drugs All nations must pledge to adhere to the United Nations' Conventions. This has to be done and monitored in a strict way.
Cannabis products are narcotic drugs All forms of differentiation between so-called "soft" and so-called "hard" drugs must cease. The use of cannabis is detrimental to the health, causes passivity and is addictive. Cannabis and certain other drugs, in some countries regarded as being "soft" should be viewed as other types of narcotic substances in control policy, rehabilitation and preventive measures.
Stop commercial outlets for narcotic drugs Commercial outlets for narcotic drugs, including coffee shops, and other open drug markets or drug scenes in European cities must be closed immediately. Police must be given the authority to act in order to stop the open commercial outlets quickly and effectively.
Put an end to all legal distribution of narcotic drugs The so called "scientific" projects for distribution of heroin is nothing but an attempt to legalise drugs through the back door . This must be prevented by authorising the United Nations Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) to withdraw all import licenses for heroin, when the heroin is intended for use by drug addicts.
A united European leadership against drugs
A drug-political centre might be established where authorities and non-governmental organisations co-operate on various measures against drugs. Such a centre could be a joint venture between the European Union and the Council of Europe to make it possible for a majority of European countries to participate.
One of the most important tasks of such a centre could be to function as a clearinghouse for knowledge and support of research about the damaging effects of drugs on the individual and society. The information could be actively distributed and presented through booklets, seminars and other information activities.
Non-governmental organisations need to be activated. Organisations of various kinds should be called upon to sign a proclamation against drugs and commit themselves to act against drugs and drug abuse. Prime Ministers and/or Presidents of various countries should be urged to express clear support for a restrictive drug policy.
Preventive measures. Each European school could design an action plan on how to achieve a drug-free school, and schools could be encouraged to arrange thematic weeks against drugs. Cities could be given financial, and other, help to start local action groups against drugs and crime.
Young people at risk. Each town and municipality could create an action plan for early discovery of young people experimenting with drugs. Co-operation between child-care services, schools, youth centres, the social services, police, institutions for child psychiatry and others could be developed.
Creation of national, regional and local co-operation groups against drugs should be encouraged. These groups could head the local efforts to carry out the national actionable programmes.
All age groups should have access to support and rehabilitation. Larger cities ought to establish specialised facilities, which could co-ordinate local efforts and provide detailed knowledge about drug addiction and drug addicts.
Offensive action against drug markets. Police ought to intensify their measures against drug dealing aiming at total elimination of drug dealing in the streets, restaurants, clubs etc. Police could be given special education and resources to achieve such a goal.
Offensive action against drugs in night-clubs, discos and similar establishments through co-operation with the owners and organisers of special events. Stickers could be distributed and displayed at various establishments to show that drugs are not accepted and that the establishments co-operate with police and others to counteract the use of and dealing in drugs.
Drug-free prisons. Every imprisoned drug addict should have access to drug-free wards with special rehabilitation programmes.
Customs should be reinforced. Customs ought to be given more resources to make border controls more effective.
New legislation. It would be important to issue guidelines enabling E3uropean states to implement a legislation aiming at prohibiting consumption of narcotic drugs and giving the police more effective possibilities to discover and stop drug abuse, primarily among young people.
The abuse of illegal drugs is a growing problem all over Europe. Various actions are taken by the European Union, the member states and capitals, cities and municipalities to counteract the problems. However, there is a lack of a common strategy and common goals in the combat against drugs. In addition, some countries and cities in Europe are actively advocating the legalisation of drugs and promote a policy which actively undermines other countries' efforts to limit supply and demand of drugs.
Europe has become a centre for drug trafficking, distribution and consumption of drugs. The spread of drugs is the result of a shattered and resigned and often reactionary policy. Millions of Europeans are affected directly by this policy as drug addicts, parents, relatives or victims of crimes. Drugs claim many victims and cause rejection and suffering.
There can be no other goal than a drug-free Europe. Such a goal is neither utopian, nor impossible. Too often, however politicians and others seem to act according to what they think is possible to do, rather than what is necessary to do.
Comprehensive efforts to combat tobacco is now under way in various countries, including presentation of up-to-date research, lawsuits against the tobacco industry, bans on advertising, sampling and sponsorship. It is necessary to co-ordinate and intensify the combat against drugs in a similar way. To achieve this, there is great demand for general agreement and support regarding the appropriate measures.
Offensive against drugs Countries in Western Europe still have good financial means and other resources to prevent and combat drugs and the use of drugs. It is necessary to mobilise capitals, regional capitals, cities and municipalities all over Europe in the combat against drugs and in efforts to use existing resources as effectively as possible.
Adherence to the United Nations Conventions on Drugs All nations must pledge to adhere to the United Nations' Conventions. This has to be done and monitored in a strict way.
Cannabis products are narcotic drugs All forms of differentiation between so-called "soft" and so-called "hard" drugs must cease. The use of cannabis is detrimental to the health, causes passivity and is addictive. Cannabis and certain other drugs, in some countries regarded as being "soft" should be viewed as other types of narcotic substances in control policy, rehabilitation and preventive measures.
Stop commercial outlets for narcotic drugs Commercial outlets for narcotic drugs, including coffee shops, and other open drug markets or drug scenes in European cities must be closed immediately. Police must be given the authority to act in order to stop the open commercial outlets quickly and effectively.
Put an end to all legal distribution of narcotic drugs The so called "scientific" projects for distribution of heroin is nothing but an attempt to legalise drugs through the back door . This must be prevented by authorising the United Nations Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) to withdraw all import licenses for heroin, when the heroin is intended for use by drug addicts.
A united European leadership against drugs
A drug-political centre might be established where authorities and non-governmental organisations co-operate on various measures against drugs. Such a centre could be a joint venture between the European Union and the Council of Europe to make it possible for a majority of European countries to participate.
One of the most important tasks of such a centre could be to function as a clearinghouse for knowledge and support of research about the damaging effects of drugs on the individual and society. The information could be actively distributed and presented through booklets, seminars and other information activities.
Non-governmental organisations need to be activated. Organisations of various kinds should be called upon to sign a proclamation against drugs and commit themselves to act against drugs and drug abuse. Prime Ministers and/or Presidents of various countries should be urged to express clear support for a restrictive drug policy.
Preventive measures. Each European school could design an action plan on how to achieve a drug-free school, and schools could be encouraged to arrange thematic weeks against drugs. Cities could be given financial, and other, help to start local action groups against drugs and crime.
Young people at risk. Each town and municipality could create an action plan for early discovery of young people experimenting with drugs. Co-operation between child-care services, schools, youth centres, the social services, police, institutions for child psychiatry and others could be developed.
Creation of national, regional and local co-operation groups against drugs should be encouraged. These groups could head the local efforts to carry out the national actionable programmes.
All age groups should have access to support and rehabilitation. Larger cities ought to establish specialised facilities, which could co-ordinate local efforts and provide detailed knowledge about drug addiction and drug addicts.
Offensive action against drug markets. Police ought to intensify their measures against drug dealing aiming at total elimination of drug dealing in the streets, restaurants, clubs etc. Police could be given special education and resources to achieve such a goal.
Offensive action against drugs in night-clubs, discos and similar establishments through co-operation with the owners and organisers of special events. Stickers could be distributed and displayed at various establishments to show that drugs are not accepted and that the establishments co-operate with police and others to counteract the use of and dealing in drugs.
Drug-free prisons. Every imprisoned drug addict should have access to drug-free wards with special rehabilitation programmes.
Customs should be reinforced. Customs ought to be given more resources to make border controls more effective.
New legislation. It would be important to issue guidelines enabling E3uropean states to implement a legislation aiming at prohibiting consumption of narcotic drugs and giving the police more effective possibilities to discover and stop drug abuse, primarily among young people.
Drug-Free Europe
Objective: a Drug-Free Europe
Drugs are more that just another social problem. Their use permeates all levels of society. Western Europe is the second largest market for illicit drugs after North America.
According to the European Commission, in the European Union there are up to two million problem drug users.
Drug consumption, particularly among young people, is at historically high levels. A growing concern is the incidence of HIV/AIDS among drug users. Over 8000 people, mainly young men in their 20s and 30s, die of a drugs overdose each year. Drug abuse remains high even if it seems to be leveling off in some Member States.
There is more and more evidence of an increase in the use of cocaine among young Europeans. Estimates show that around 9 million Europeans have used it and that between 3 and 3.5 million have tried the drug in the last year, while as many as 1.5 million are classified as regular users.
The Foundation for a Drug-Free Europe has been formed in response to the dramatic increase in demand for their antidrug activities after it was obvious that there was a real need to coordinate anti-drug public awareness campaigns throughout the European Union
Drugs are more that just another social problem. Their use permeates all levels of society. Western Europe is the second largest market for illicit drugs after North America.
According to the European Commission, in the European Union there are up to two million problem drug users.
Drug consumption, particularly among young people, is at historically high levels. A growing concern is the incidence of HIV/AIDS among drug users. Over 8000 people, mainly young men in their 20s and 30s, die of a drugs overdose each year. Drug abuse remains high even if it seems to be leveling off in some Member States.
There is more and more evidence of an increase in the use of cocaine among young Europeans. Estimates show that around 9 million Europeans have used it and that between 3 and 3.5 million have tried the drug in the last year, while as many as 1.5 million are classified as regular users.
The Foundation for a Drug-Free Europe has been formed in response to the dramatic increase in demand for their antidrug activities after it was obvious that there was a real need to coordinate anti-drug public awareness campaigns throughout the European Union
For more detail please visit
Drug Free Australia
Drug Free Australia is a peak body, representing organizations and individuals who value the health and wellbeing of our nation. It plays a key role as a community voice, staying in touch with every day Australians - families and young people - via newsletters, community forums and the media, to ensure a clear message of healthy, drug free lifestyles is assured for generations to come.
DFA Chairman, Craig Thompson is pleased that the Federal Government has demonstrated a true commitment with seeding funding to Drug Free Australia to enable a balanced message to be communicated to concerned Australians. ‘We are now taking drug prevention seriously, from the top down.’ Mr Thompson said.
"Young peoples' health and well-being has been at risk for almost a decade, with an disproportionate amount of funding going into treatment, rather than beginning with a well-resourced prevention strategy. A long-term approach to prevention is needed to see the benefits," Mr Thompson said.
"Until now, there has been much rhetoric about ‘prevention being better than cure’, but the fact is that prevention misses out on the big dollars."
"For example, drug education in schools needs to be given higher priority, with effective, specialist resources, that are available beyond the short funding cycles of three years or four years”.
"Schools play a crucial role in preventing drug problems when students bring drugs to school or use drugs at school. According to research, at least 50% of senior students in Australian school have tried cannabis".
Drug Free Australia will continue to strive for pro health alternatives to illicit drugs and to ensure that harm prevention is not only a household catch phrase, but a reality, put into good practice, throughout our country.
DFA Chairman, Craig Thompson is pleased that the Federal Government has demonstrated a true commitment with seeding funding to Drug Free Australia to enable a balanced message to be communicated to concerned Australians. ‘We are now taking drug prevention seriously, from the top down.’ Mr Thompson said.
"Young peoples' health and well-being has been at risk for almost a decade, with an disproportionate amount of funding going into treatment, rather than beginning with a well-resourced prevention strategy. A long-term approach to prevention is needed to see the benefits," Mr Thompson said.
"Until now, there has been much rhetoric about ‘prevention being better than cure’, but the fact is that prevention misses out on the big dollars."
"For example, drug education in schools needs to be given higher priority, with effective, specialist resources, that are available beyond the short funding cycles of three years or four years”.
"Schools play a crucial role in preventing drug problems when students bring drugs to school or use drugs at school. According to research, at least 50% of senior students in Australian school have tried cannabis".
Drug Free Australia will continue to strive for pro health alternatives to illicit drugs and to ensure that harm prevention is not only a household catch phrase, but a reality, put into good practice, throughout our country.
For more detail please visit
Circle me, Lord
.Keep protection near
And danger afar.
Circle me, Lord
Keep hope within.
Keep doubt without.
Circle me, Lord.
Keep light near
And darkness afar.
Circle me, Lord.
Keep peace within.K
eep evil out.
By David Adam
Circle me, Lord
.Keep protection near
And danger afar.
Circle me, Lord
Keep hope within.
Keep doubt without.
Circle me, Lord.
Keep light near
And darkness afar.
Circle me, Lord.
Keep peace within.K
eep evil out.
By David Adam
Drug addiction
April 15, 2008
Approximately 5 million drug addicts in Pakistan are not only destroying their lives but also affecting every sector of society, including the business sector causing accidents, reducing or loss of productivity, poor work and absenteeism as well as other serious adverse effects, says a report prepared by Pakistan Drug Free Foundation. Drug addiction affects all parts of society as the rapidly increasing number of drug addicts in the country in the business sector as the ratio of the drug users in labor class and lower middle class increases day by due to one or other reasons.Approximately an addict spends Rs150 per day on drugs. There are 5 million drug addicts in the country, so 500,000 addicts spend Rs750 million in just one day, in a month 22,500 million and in a year Rs270 billion. These are the direct expenses on drugs. There is no data available on the losses borne by our economy due to absenteeism, wastage of time, low productivity and accidents of drug abuser in workplaces.One of the consequences of drug abuse in the workplace is that the economy of Pakistan pays a big price for it - employee accident and errors, high illness rates, wastage of time, low productivity and absenteeism are just a few examples of the affects of illicit drug use.A survey conducted by the United States’ health and human service indicates that drug abuser functions at approximately 65 per cent of their capacity.Up to 40 per cent of industrial fatalities and 47 per cent of industrial injuries can be linked to drug abuse. Employees who abuse drugs are 3.6 times more likely to be involved in a workplace accident and five times more likely to file a worker’s compensation claim. An estimated 500 million work days are lost annually due alcohol and drug abuse in America.• Employees who abuse drugs are more likely to request early dismissal or time off, 2.5 times more likely to be late for work.• Illicit drug users are more than twice as likely than those who do not abuse drugs.• Employees who abuse drugs cost their employers about twice as much in medical claims.• According to the United States National Institute of Drug Addiction, almost 10 per cent of all employees use drugs.According to the data mentioned above, the problem of drug abuse at workplaces is more in the developed countries of the world. This problem also exists in Pakistan but no authentic data is available about the financial losses incurred due to drug abuse at workplaces.At this point, some questions are raised for the authorities who are responsible for such a financial disaster.There is a strong need to launch a grand operation to eliminate the silent killer by government and the business community.HAIDER MEHERPlanning & development manager
Saturday, August 1, 2009
There has been a sharp increase in use of tranquilizers as a deadly substitute for narcotics
By Syed M. Aslam Aug 05 - 11, 2002
Abuse of prescription drugs among rich segment of the society has reached an alarming proportion in Pakistan due primarily to failure of the federal and provincial Health Ministries to enforce the relevant laws. According to informed market sources, who made the information available to the PAGE about the menace on condition of strict anonymity, there has been a sharp increase in use of tranquilizers as a deadly substitute for narcotics among the people in the upper levels of society.
In last five years the abuse of drug marketed by a number of pharmaceutical companies in the country under different brand names has increased drastically to such an extent that the supply now far exceeds its genuine demand. The drug, whose formula or generic name is Buprenorphine HCI, is used in the manufacture of injections is strictly a prescribed drug is tranquilizer and pain killer. However, it has find itself in increasingly demand by the youths, both boys and girls, belonging to richer segment of the society to be injected into the bodies as a narcotics.
Market sources informed PAGE that though the drug is also produced locally by a number of multinational and local pharmaceutical companies under various brand names, the brand imported by a single company Reckit & Benckiser (former Reckit and Colman) has emerged as the brand leader. "The company is allowed to import 400,000 boxes of Temgenic Injections annually though the demand for the same in the country does not exceed the 5 per cent of the quantity.
"As each box contains 5 ampoules of 1 ml injection each, the company is importing 2 million injections of Temgenic every year though the demand for the same in the country is only around 100,000. The fact that the drug is being greatly abused is evident from the fact that though the retail price of a box of 5 injections is Rs 212.96 it is selling in the market for around Rs 500. The main buyers of the drug are the youths — mainly boys but also many girls."
While the multinational mentioned above is the only pharmaceutical company allowed to import the drug into the country many other multinational and local companies are also marketing the same formula under different names and they too are allowed to manufacture a quantity though only up to as low as half of that allowed to be imported by Reckit & Benckiser. The availability of the drug from all sources, thus, far exceeds its genuine demand in the country to pose a serious drug abuse problem among the younger generation.
Sources told PAGE that the formula is "also manufactured locally by Local company Sami as Buepron Injection, by PCW as Bueprogenic Injection, by another local company as Temfin Injection, by another local company as Gesnor Injection, by MNCs Organon as Orgesic Injection, by Pharmatec as Zonor Injection, etc. All of these brands are selling at a premium way over the retail prices. For instance, Zonor injection, produced locally by MNC Pharmatec is available in the market for around Rs 380.00 per 5 ampoules of 1 ml each way over its retail price of Rs 166.52."
Sources claimed that only about 5 per cent of the entire supply of the drug is used for genuine purposes while 20 per cent is being abused and the remaining 75 per cent is smuggled to neighbouring Afghanistan and Iran from where it sneaks into a number of European countries where there is an absolute ban on this drug. Thus the over supply of drug is not only resulting in increased abuse here in Pakistan but is also feeding it in Iran and Afghanistan and way beyond into Europe itself.
Needless to say, the over-supply highlights the fact that unscrupulous elements all along the shady path has find it fit to mint tonnes of money from a drug which is encouraging abuse among the youths far beyond the national borders. The over-supply in a country where over-the-counter drug culture has only increased over the years is posing a grave risk to the health, and ultimate lives, of hundreds of thousands of youth who have the means to afford to get hooked to the synthetic narcotics that suits their social status.
It is surprising to note that the habit-forming drug is easily available at the medical stores across the city in total disregard to the provincial law enacted in 1994 by the Sindh Assembly to keep track of all such drugs categorized as narcotics. The law made it binding for the manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers to maintain records about the drugs at all levels of the supply chain so as to ensure that it is sold only through prescription.
There has also been drastic increase in the abuse of other lesser priced tranquilizers (use narcotics) over the years, particularly among the middle class segment of the society. The formula Penthazocin is being manufactured by a number of companies locally and is available in the market only at a premium. For instance, Sosegon Injection, and also Tablets, marketed by pharmaceutical giant ICI is available in the market for around Rs 130.00 per 5 ampoules of 1ml each way above its retail price of Rs 105. Similarly, a 5-injection pack of Pentazegon made by local Indus Pharma is selling for Rs 80 compared to retail price of Rs 42.00 and Pentonil Injection marketed by local Tabbros company is available for Rs 75.00 instead of retail price of Rs 42.00.
The question is: Is this massive abuse of drugs is not visible to the Ministry of Health? Or is it the question of playing with the public health for the benefit of a small, but influential, group of unscrupulous elements in and around the industry.
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